
Oct  2012

Oct 27/2012  Listening to binaural sound waves the past few days, to see
what effect they have on the body-mind. Also listening to iso-tones, and adding them to my compositions.

Oct 19/2012 The background,or substatum of all listening , is silence.
Right now in this present moment, that high pitched ringing, some call it the sound of silence, is very present. That sound has been here ever since I can remember, since childhood, it is not always noticed though. It makes itself known, when thought is no longer dominant.

Oct 18/2012 Acknowledging the moment meditation, on whatever is appearing in this moment.0:930 to 10:30. Didgeridoo playing happening afterwards.

Oct 16/2012 Exploring the sounds of typing this .
The urge to go for a soundwalk is stronger than the urge to continue writing, listening to the inner voice. Away we go!
Soundwalk 12:00 to 13:00.

Oct 16/2012 If we clearly apperceive the difference between direct apprehension in Whole-mind and relative comprehension by reasoning in mind divided into subject-and-object, all the apparent mysteries will disappear. For that will be found to be the key which unlocks the doors of incomprehension.


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